Universities of Berlin, Manchester and Cambridge
The three universities of Berlin, Manchester and Cambridge have gathered to contribute to the rebuilding of Wittgenstein’s house.
A number of articles and several books have been written about Wittgenstein’s stay in
Skjolden and his house. After his death in 1951, the interest for his life and work has
been growing.
Every year people from around the world visit Skjolden to experience the place where
Wittgenstein broke new philosophical ground and to feel the physical parameters for his
important work.
The three universities of Berlin, Manchester and Cambridge have gathered to contribute to the rebuilding of Wittgenstein’s house.
Verdibørsen Febryary 25th 2017
Collaborator professor Harald N. Røstvik about architects’ common responsibilities and the project with Wittgenstein’s house in Skjolden.
Ludwig Wittgenstein og skjoldingane Harald Vatne 2016 Order the book from Vatne.